What’s it Really Take to Achieve Success.

Sep 10, 2016 | Success Advice

What does it take to achieve success? See a lot of gurus out there, a lot of professionals say you have to be dedicated, you have to you know put all your time and you have to be to achieve success you have to go all-in yeah. But what does this actually mean, how much time do they actually mean you know let’s be more specific. Now, as many of you already know, a lot of people don’t know that you know recently I was diagnosed and I have been fighting cancer non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and I was in hospital getting chemotherapy, I got six chemotherapy sessions, I got a spinal injections which was with chemo as well I don’t know what they’re called man, but they were there and I was I was a longtime in the hospital and obviously the house recovering as well. But before that, I had a long embolism I was in hospital for about least a month now, this is what it takes to be dedicated.

While I was in hospital, even though in pain, even though drained energy, everything you know, I did dedicate myself in business I didn’t stop working okay granted my business fellow, but you know I can be everywhere I can do everything, but I still continued and I used my time effectively, studying and making a new project. Now one of these projects was building a new website for myself like a portal, but the other project was writing a book on how to achieve success, it’s called success I.A.O “Improvise Adapt Overcome” … what it takes and everything. Now I’m not trying, this is not a prompt to buy my book okay. What I’m trying to say is I wrote that book and when I when I couldn’t write because I was in bed for 12 days because of the side effect of the spinal injection, just couldn’t get up, actually it was more 12 days, I think it was 15 or 19 days. My head would get numb, I would get dizzy and the only time it would I would lose concentration and when I lie down in bed it was OK.

So when I couldn’t write the book, I recorded the book and got it transcribed and I hired a web developer to help me with the website even though I can make a website. I hired a web developer to win time and help me because my mind was foggy it was chemo-brained yeah, And I hired an editor in England to help me with the editing and the transcription because obviously couldn’t do it and even if I could I would hire one yes. But that’s the kind of dedication it took, I didn’t just sit around waiting, losing time you know cos six months, seven months, a year after I would have lost a year of my life this way I won a year in knowledge and creating new businesses. Now my website is pauldemocritou.com, you can go there and take a look and get a lot of free advice a lot of these videos are up there, seminars, my book is there, one third of that goes to cancer. I got a whole page dedicated to fighting cancer, it’s my new goal and mission but success going back to the subject you know you got to dedicate yourself and apply yourself.

If I can do it fighting cancer, you can do it under harsh conditions as well. It’s a mindset, it’s you know it’s a warrior’s mindset and it is that basically means you know when people are going for coffee you should be home studying, when people unless you’re networking yeah. When people going to clubs getting drunk you should be sleeping early, waking up early getting some exercise and studying ok looking at your emails are making a new project. You know when people are having fun, you should also be failing at businesses and yes I said failing because we learn from failing. You need to fail to learn I didn’t realize this before I lost multiple businesses. Anyway I’m gonna expand more on later videos but go ahead and click the click the like button below subscribe to this channel visit my website spread the love you know, I’m going to be giving a lot of free advice and the how I did it and how I achieve success myself as time goes in the time goes by. And I’ll be getting some Greek videos up there pretty soon as well. So take care you know always be succeeding as a spin-off always be closing sales which is what I usually train at which is my actual thing, I’m a sales trainer and yeah I never give up man be fighter just keep at it no matter what you know what I mean nothing can stop you. If you think, if you think that you can make or if you think you can’t make it, you’re correct in both you know it’s all up to you it’s all in your head all mindset but the only difference is you need the knowledge in order to make that change and I will get into that knowledge in other videos take care keep fighting keep positive this is Paul Democritou, see you soon.


Paul Democritou is an entrepreneur, sales expert and keynote speaker in Greece as well as a cancer survivor.

Paul’s Book Success I.A.O. is available on Amazon. Its all about how to succeed in life and business even under harsh conditions and is the ONLY book to include action plans to make money even with zero capital! 1/3 profits go to help people fight cancer. Check it out!




Paul Democritou is an entrepreneur, business consultant, expert sales trainer and author.


EMAIL: paul(@)pauldemocritou.com 

           PHONE: +30 693-848-8831 

"You don't find success, you create success"

                                        - Paul Democritou

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