Be Impatient to Start and Patient to Finish For Business Success.

Dec 20, 2016 | Success Advice

Be Impatient to Start and Patient to Finish | Agioi Theodoroi Beach.

Hey, how’re you all doing? I finally got out of the house and I decided to get out and do a little fishing trip. And this reminded me of you know in life and in business, you have to have patience but patience is not always a good thing. Basically, you have to be impatient, you have to be impatient to start and patient to continue. So what that means is, a lot of times you know we’re too patient and we’re too patient about the wrong things, for example you will want to start a project or business. You’re going to be impatient, you’ve got to start it but then be patient for it to work. So if you’re starting a new website, a new online project be impatient to start it, don’t wait do it yes.

But then you have to be patient for it to work and so you could reap the rewards, so you have to have a mixture of both patience and impatiency, if that’s a word, in life and business you know. So this is the beach here… Agioi Theodoroi in Greece, it’s near my beach house. I decided to come down and do some fishing, there’s a guy fishing there in the background, I’ll be fishing from the beach. I do spin fishing which is spinning which is with fake bait and I’m going for a predator fish today. I also do surf casting but because I’m not allowed to touch the ground and stuff like that you know, I’m avoiding it plus it’s more tiring for me. If y’all don’t know, I’m fighting… I’m recovering from a bone marrow transplant but this video’s not about that, watch my other videos.

But this is another example of being patient by the way, see I’m very patient, I was in hospital for over a month secluded and in a room with no visitors then I’m at home you know in the house without being allowed to see people and that’s like it’s you have to be patient you know. That’s an example in life of being patient yes. It’s like it’s in general you know but you have to be impatient to start the project. By the way what do you all think of the view? Not bad is it? See, I’m glad I’m out to get the fresh air, it’s been a while, I love the beach. You know I can spend hours at the beach and just listen to the water and just you know think, it would calm me down you know. There’s something about fishing you know, a lot of people think that I fish all the time you know, I’d go fishing but I just sit there a lot of times and not fish and just think and just look at the water and you know.

There is a seagull over there, I don’t know if you can see the seagull over there, I can’t really…there is a seagull over there. By the way if you’re wondering how I’m doing this video I got the camera on a desk stand. Now this is a really really cool desk stand and I’m gonna leave it in the description below just in case and I’m what I’m doing for sound I have a lab Mike connected to the iPhone success that’s how I’m doing this video. But yeah just be patient to start and I’m sorry impatient to start and patient for it to go through. So if you’re just starting a business or about to start the business or anything like that remember that yeah. The lighting see here it’s cool cos you have the water but if I see the lighting on this side, I think it’s better lighting for the video. If you all don’t know about lighting, it’s the color you all know those soft box screens, you have those screens in front, some people use baking paper to get to smooth out the skin and get rid of harsh light. It’s supposed to mimic the clouds that’s why they say the best time to get video is in a cloudy day. Anyway, another thing that’s good to get on the cloudy day is fish. I’m gonna try my luck fishing for a while for about an hour then I gotta head back home and look how clear the water is, I don’t know if you guys can see it just check it out. I love this country man, I really love this country. Alright take care guys, until next time stay safe, keep succeeding I’m out.

Until next time… Keep Succeeding!


Paul Democritou is an entrepreneur, sales expert and keynote speaker in Greece as well as a cancer survivor.

Paul’s Book Success I.A.O. is now available on Amazon. Its all about how to succeed in life and business even under harsh conditions and is the ONLY book to include action plans to make money even with zero capital! 1/3 profits go to help people fight cancer.




Paul Democritou is an entrepreneur, business consultant, expert sales trainer and author.


EMAIL: paul(@) 

           PHONE: +30 693-848-8831 

"You don't find success, you create success"

                                        - Paul Democritou

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