by Paul | May 7, 2017 | Paul's Thoughts!
Success and Pain Go Hand in Hand Success and pain go hand in hand, listen there is no other way, pain will be part of your life and how you handle it will lead to success or failure. You need to have a success mindset at all times even when in pain. Think about it,... by Paul | May 7, 2017 | Paul's Thoughts!
I Dont Have Time is an Excuse and The Number One Reason Why You Will Fail. The number one reason entrepreneurs fail is the “I don’t have time excuse” You need to read, study and start projects and many people just don’t because they don’t... by Paul | May 7, 2017 | Success Advice
The Truth About Luck And Success. Many people say that the successful got lucky and luck is all you need. This is not true, kinda! Listen you can make yourself lucky. In this video I talk about how I got lucky and what I did and had in order for that luck to work for... by Paul | Dec 20, 2016 | Uncategorized
Achieve Success Podcast – Never Retract In a Crisis – Episode 2 Achieve success podcast. This is why you should never retract in a crisis. I recorded these podcast when i was fighting cancer and I know I sound a little tired and “off” at times.... by Paul | Dec 20, 2016 | Success Advice
How to Become Successful and Why Visioning is Important How to Become Successful and Why Visioning is Important. George Washington Carver said where there’s no vision there’s no hope. Let’s elaborate on this, when you’re an entrepreneur or when...