by Paul | Oct 3, 2018 | Sales Tips
Here is how you can increase your sales with this secret sales technique that even sales professionals don’t know. As a matter of fact the best salesman in the world doesn’t know this and its how and when to touch your client. Sure sales gurus will tell...
by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Featured, Sales Tips
How to sell a pen – Sell me this pen. How many times have you gone to an interview and the interviewer said “sell me this men”? After the movie The Wolf Of Wall Street , Jordan Belfort says “Sell me this pen” I will show you how to really...
by Paul | Dec 15, 2016 | Sales Tips
Expert Sales Training – The Meet And Greet Close Hello everybody, this is Paul Democritou and we are going to talk about sales knowledge and we are going to focus on the meet-and-greet. Back in my Timeshare days, we had a sales deck where we meet couples to give...