by Paul | May 25, 2020 | Sales Tips
Is there a sales close that can close all sales? A sales close that can close all objections at will? YES, and its the only sales close you need to know to increase your sales and sell anything to anyone. Get your FREE SAMPLE of “The Closers 3” The...
by Paul | Mar 4, 2020 | Sales Tips
I get asked how to convince people to buy in retail a lot. Recently a friend asked about retail sales, and how she can sell more products in a store. What surprised me is that there was no sales training. They just told her to sell but not how to sell. In this video I...
by Paul | Nov 14, 2019 | Featured, Sales Tips
Here is how to use The Socrates Method to increase your sales. The NEW Socratic Method can be used for persuasion to get anyone to say yes. If you are wondering how to increase your sales, the ancient Greeks may have your answer. Rhetoric, persuasion and public...
by Paul | Nov 10, 2019 | Sales Tips
Here are the 7 Biggest sales mistakes to avoid to increase your sales. Sales coaches tell salespeople what to do, but not what not to do in sales. In this video I’m going to show you the most common sales mistakes to avoid so that you can become a master closer....
by Paul | Mar 8, 2019 | Sales Tips
Sales tips and tricks are for losers. The marketplace is filled with so called sales gurus and wanna be closers giving various tips and tricks on how you can increase your sales. This is a problem with very few exceptions. Meaning half of them are just copying each...