by Paul | Nov 14, 2019 | Featured, Sales Tips
Here is how to use The Socrates Method to increase your sales. The NEW Socratic Method can be used for persuasion to get anyone to say yes. If you are wondering how to increase your sales, the ancient Greeks may have your answer. Rhetoric, persuasion and public... by Paul | Nov 10, 2019 | Sales Tips
Here are the 7 Biggest sales mistakes to avoid to increase your sales. Sales coaches tell salespeople what to do, but not what not to do in sales. In this video I’m going to show you the most common sales mistakes to avoid so that you can become a master closer.... by Paul | Dec 2, 2018 | Sales Tips
Master the Skills of Selling & Fix Your Sales Process with Paul Democritou In this interview by Own video, I talk about how to master the skills of selling and fix your sales process. I also talk about how to use body language for sales and much more. The video...