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Seduce Your Audience into Anything Using Sales Psychology
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Why You Should Read “How To Sell A Pen – Really”

FACT: You do not know how to sell, and you don’t even know it!


If you believe a hungry crowd will rush to buy anything you choose to sell, you’re dead wrong. Truth is, you need to powerfully influence your clients using proven scientific principles of sales psychology… secret techniques for convincing consumers that bypass the BS radar of the buying public. Used ethically, these skills will prompt even the most skeptical buyer to spend enormous amounts of money on autopilot.

What are these secrets? Do they always work? How can you use them to your advantage?

Prepare yourself for immediate results as international sales expert and author Paul Democritou teaches you everything you need to shatter your perceived ceilings… and magically increase your sales, whatever you’re selling.


In just 108 pages Democritou reveals dozens of sales secrets, amassed during his 25+ years in sales including


* Everything You Need to Know About Sales to Become a Top Salesperson in Any Industry  And learn how to sell anything to anyone.

* What Are The 3 Main Reasons You Suck at Sales? Fix these to leave your competition lying in the dust wondering what hit them.  

* The 7 Habits You Must Adopt to Become a Master Closer – If you don’t do these, you are bound to fail.

* How to Get Your Audience’s A-List Attention – Hit their hot buttons and watch them beg to buy what you have to offer.

* Why You SHOULD Put All Your Eggs In One Basket – Do this and you will have all the followers you ever need  

* How To Get People To Give You Permission To Sell To Them – Do this and build your power list.

* Why Most Corporate Sales Funnels SUCK -And how to build your own that will blow the competition away

* What Everyone Selling On Social Media Is Missing – Learn this one disruptive technique that will outperform social every time.

* The First Thing You Should Do WIth Every New Prospect – Fun fact, It’s not what you think.

* NEW: The Secret Handshake Even The Pros Don’t Know – It’s not the tired old overpalm/underpalm yada yada.

* How To Make People Like You – Especially if they don’t!

* Can You Really Sell Anyone Anything? Four steps to creating the perfect sales pitch

* When To Physically Touch Your Client – Master closers don’t know this one either, you will

* The Truth About Persuasion

* Fifteen Closes That Will 10x Your Income (Yes, it’s possible)

* The Single Objection That Terrifies Even The Best Sales Professionals – and how to close it

* The Triple Whammy of Closes – Used properly, they’re almost guaranteed to work every time

* How to Never Run Out of Leads… And Easily Get More

* And Much More

Get your copy now and watch your sales and income increase today.”

WARNING: If you dont learn and use these powerful psychological techniques to your advantage your competition will.

Paul Democritou - The Closer's 3

Paul Democritou

Entrepreneur, Sales Expert, Author.

Paul Democritou is an entrepreneur, sales and marketing expert, author, and a blockchain / ICO advisor. He is also known as an entertainer and director and was responsible as a video producer for over 15 VMA’s nd 2 EMA nominations.

As a very successful sales and marketing expert in the timeshare industry which later expanded to other fields and companies, Paul provides online and offline training to companies and individuals.

In 2016, Paul was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – cancer. He wrote the book SUCCESS! that was born as a result of vision and passion to help others succeed even in harsh conditions.

Paul also recently wrote The Closers Part 3 with living legend Ben Gay III. He just released the book How to Sell a Pen – Really and currently advising ICO’s in the block-chain industry, while working on his new books.

“I truly believe Paul Democritou will be one of the greats of the twenty-first century.”
Ben Gay III

Best selling author, BG3

“Democritou’s approach is always honest, often irreverent and humorous. But he has a serious message to share, and you would be a fool not to take him seriously.”
Nick Nimmin

Digital entrepreneur, Nimminati

“This stuff shouldn’t be on sale. It should be stored under lock and key, in a bucket of ice, with the lights off. In a dungeon. Seriously, in the wrong hands, this could be dangerous. Don’t be evil, people.”

Award winning artist - Record label owner, D2E

“How to Sell a Pen – Really should be on every bookshelf. It’s for salespeople, trainers, and entrepreneurs and it’s a simple guide to getting the sale. It will refine your skills and act as a reference for real life sales scenarios. Must. Read. Often.”
Owen Video

Video marketing expert, The VideoSpot

“You don’t find success, you create success”

                                        – Paul Democritou

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Paul Democritou - The Closer's 3
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