by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Success Advice
How To Become A Ted X Speaker With Mathy Lisika Minsende. This video is about how to succeed as a Tedx speaker and and how to become a public speaker with Mathy Lisika Minsende “The future of Work is childsplay” Mathy is a career and lifestyle motivator.... by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Success Advice
5 Lessons About Success That Are in The Bible. Did you know that the bible talks about success and prosperity and many of the laws gurus quote are actually from inside the bible? In this video I will show you 5 lessons about success that are in the bible. By the way,... by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Paul's Thoughts!, Success Advice
Donald Trump’s Handshake. Have you noticed something weird with Donald Trump’s Handshake with all that tugging and pulling? Do you know WHY he does it? Either some gurus have no idea (And I lean towards this reason) why or they do not want to reveal the... by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Success Advice
Good Habits and Morning Rituals For Success In this video I talk about 4 good habits and daily rituals so you can succeed in life. This is a must watch video if you want success so make sure you pay close attention. By the way, If you know someone that you believe... by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Paul's Thoughts!, Success Advice
Nothing is Impossible if you Know This. Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it and I mean this in a cosmic and technical way. Successful people have developed a mindset that they can achieve anything. So should you. By the way, If you know someone that you... by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Success Advice
Hobbies Habits and Success. What are the hobbies and habits that attract success and help shape your mind to succeed. How you spend you time is extremely important and play a huge role if you will succeed in life and business. Watch this video as it is vital for your...