by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Paul's Thoughts!, Success Advice
Growth Mindset VS Fixed Mindset. There is a huge difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset and is the difference between the successful people and the non successful. Watch this video and honestly comment which mindset you are. If you acknowledge this...
by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Paul's Thoughts!, Success Advice
Donald Trump’s Handshake. Have you noticed something weird with Donald Trump’s Handshake with all that tugging and pulling? Do you know WHY he does it? Either some gurus have no idea (And I lean towards this reason) why or they do not want to reveal the...
by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Paul's Thoughts!, Success Advice
Nothing is Impossible if you Know This. Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it and I mean this in a cosmic and technical way. Successful people have developed a mindset that they can achieve anything. So should you. By the way, If you know someone that you...
by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Paul's Thoughts!
Listen patience is no more a virtue than impatience is. You have to be both if you want to succeed in life and i explain how and why in this video. Enjoy! If you know someone that you believe will benefit from this video then please share it with them. You will both...
by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Paul's Thoughts!, Success Advice
Life is Not Fair, Deal With It. Listen life is not fair, deal with it! Stop crying and complaining there are people that went through much more than you did and the ones that succeeded shared the knowledge in this video. Watch the video and change your mindset and...
by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Paul's Thoughts!, Success Advice
Success and Sacrifice Go Hand In Hand. Success and sacrifice go hand in hand, you cant succeed in life or business without sacrificing. Think about athletes and all successful people and you will notice that they all made sacrifices one way or another. You need to...