Books All Entrepreneurs Must Read

Sep 9, 2018 | Success Advice

In this post I talk about some books all entrepreneurs must read in 2018 to succeed in life and business. Now Ill leave a list below with the links to those books if you want to just click on them and check them out straight away. But I do advise watching the video here and seeing why you should buy these books. These entrepreneurship books are some of my favorites and I would love to know what your favorite books are and what books for entrepreneurs you recommend. So please go to YouTube and comment down below, I would love to read your comments 🙂 Remember, Always be learning! 👉Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss 👉The Magic Of Thinking Big by David Schwartz 👉Contagious  by Jonah Berger 👉Tube Ritual Volume 1 by Brian G Johnson 👉The Closers Part 3 by Ben Gay III & Paul Democritou 👉Success I.A.O by Paul Democritou 👉How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie 👉How to Fail at almost Everything & Still Win Big by Scott Adams 👉48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene 👉The Definitive Art of Body language by Allan & Barbara Pease 👉The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone 👉How to Sell a Pen by Paul Democritou 👉 Check out my resource page to see what I use for YouTube videos and why!
Thank you, and until next time… Keep Succeeding.
Paul ——————————————– Paul Democritou is an entrepreneur, sales and marketing expert, author and a Blockchain/ICO advisor in Greece. He is also a cancer survivor. Get your limited time FREE copy of Success I.A.O. at Its all about how to succeed in life and business even under harsh conditions and is the ONLY book to include action plans to make money even with zero capital! 1/3 profits go to help people fight cancer. ——————————————– The Ultimate book on sales: The Closers – Part 3 is available by living legend Ben Gay III and Paul Democritou on Amazon and stores around the world. Get a FREE working sample at How to Sell a Pen! Available for free ONLY if you sign up at before it’s released. Get your copy for FREE today! By the way, check out and grab your limited time FREE copy now!




Paul Democritou is an entrepreneur, business consultant, expert sales trainer and author.


EMAIL: paul(@) 

           PHONE: +30 693-848-8831 

"You don't find success, you create success"

                                        - Paul Democritou

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