by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Paul's Thoughts!, Success Advice
Nothing is Impossible if you Know This. Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it and I mean this in a cosmic and technical way. Successful people have developed a mindset that they can achieve anything. So should you. By the way, If you know someone that you...
by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Success Advice
Hobbies Habits and Success. What are the hobbies and habits that attract success and help shape your mind to succeed. How you spend you time is extremely important and play a huge role if you will succeed in life and business. Watch this video as it is vital for your...
by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Success Advice
What Are Success Affirmations What are success affirmations, why do they work and how can you use them every day to achieve and attract success? If you know someone that you believe will benefit from this video then please share it with them. You will both be happy...
by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Featured, Sales Tips
How to sell a pen – Sell me this pen. How many times have you gone to an interview and the interviewer said “sell me this men”? After the movie The Wolf Of Wall Street , Jordan Belfort says “Sell me this pen” I will show you how to really...
by Paul | May 8, 2017 | Paul's Thoughts!
Listen patience is no more a virtue than impatience is. You have to be both if you want to succeed in life and i explain how and why in this video. Enjoy! If you know someone that you believe will benefit from this video then please share it with them. You will both...