Is Craig Wright Satoshi?

Craig has a vision. That vision may or may not square with your own vision of what Bitcoin is or should be. He has opinions that may differ from yours, and rarely holds back in expressing them where his life’s work is concerned. Agree or disagree, you would be a fool not to listen to and understand Craig’s arguments
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I had been interviewing some of the most influential people in the cryptocurrency industry for a little over a year when I first had the opportunity to speak with Craig.

Our first interview was conducted on video, for inclusion in the second edition of The Crypto Factor interviews book. But it quickly became obvious that to tell Craig’s story, it would need a book of its own. Since then, I have conducted several more interviews with Craig, and used them, along with Craig’s published blog posts and papers, to compile this book.

In Satoshi’s Vision: The Art of Bitcoin, Craig explains how the pseudonymous persona of Satoshi Nakamoto came about, where the original idea of Bitcoin came from, and why he stepped down from public interaction. He talks frankly about his original vision, and how Bitcoin as we know it today differs from that, concluding with his plans to bring the original vision to fruition, and what that means for the future of Bitcoin.

I cannot say that I agree with Craig on everything. We have had some lively discussions. But despite his prickly public persona, I have always felt comfortable in expressing my opinion with Craig and have nothing but the utmost respect for him as a person, and an entrepreneur.

Craig has a vision. That vision may or may not square with your own vision of what Bitcoin is or should be. He has opinions that may differ from yours, and rarely holds back in expressing them where his life’s work is concerned. Agree or disagree, you would be a fool not to listen to and understand Craig’s arguments. Because Craig Wright is in the game for the long-haul. He expects establishing and perfecting Bitcoin to keep him busy for the next thirty years or more. By that time, he hopes you will be using his invention daily without even being aware of it, “like plumbing.”

Craig also has some startling and controversial predictions for the future of cryptocurrency in general and Bitcoin in particular. While it may be said that only time will tell whether Craig’s predictions will turn out to be true, or whether the market will lead in a different direction, those predictions are based on extensive knowledge and experience, and participators in the field ignore that at their peril.

I would encourage everyone already involved in the cryptocurrency industry or considering investing, developing, or working within it to read and consider Craig’s opinions and beliefs, and to keep an open mind.

– Paul Democritou

WARNING! If You’re In, or getting into, Crypto and You Haven’t Read This book, You’re Already Falling Behind.



“You don’t find success, you create success”

                                        – Paul Democritou

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